Live with Andrea

Why you need a trademark (like yesterday!)

Why you need a trademark
(like yesterday!)

and how you can make money off your trademark registrations.

Trademarks can be easy for you even if:

You have No Legal Background

You’re a small business owner, not an attorney. You are ready to put in the work to legally protect your business! 

You are Overwhelmed

Learn the trademark essentials that will make understanding intellectual property EASIER!

You feel Unprepared

It is only a matter of time before someone steals your stuff, and -trust me- you want to be ready when it happens.

You are Confused

Last night’s google search left you confused, with no action plan & no closer to legally protecting what is yours!

You are Anxious to Get Started

What needs protection, are you already infringing, when do you need legal protection, where do you even begin?  

Getting started is this FREE webinar!

You are on a Budget

Spending money on something you are not sure of, like legal, is uncomfortable.  

That’s why Andrea made this webinar FREE.

Trademarks matter no matter what your industry is.


















And so many more!

In this webinar, you will learn:

What is a Trademark & the Benefits of Having a Registration

What Can and Cannot be Protected with a Trademark

How to Choose a
Strong Mark

The Trademark Timeline

What do you do WHEN someone steals your stuff?

Real-life Trademark
Success and Failures

Join Andrea Live!

Trademarks protect all the blood, sweat, and tears you’ve put into building your brand.

Before you invest your hard earned $$s and precious time in the trademark search and application process, these downloadable guides will help you get the most out of your investment in the trademark process.

There is a reason why Andrea is the 12th ranked trademark attorney in the US…

When you attend LIVE, you’ll get free access to:

The Entrepreneur’s Trademark Notebook: Trademark Checklist and Guide to Protection
*valued at $99

*valued at $99

The downloadable guide includes:
Identify What Needs To Be Protected with a Trademark
The Trademark Timeline, including when you should begin using your mark and when to begin the trademark process!
Trademark Frequently Asked Questions

Tips for Choosing a Trademark
*valued at $199

*valued at $199

The downloadable guide includes:
* The Trademark Strength Spectrum
* Pro-Tips on the Do’s and Don’ts of Choosing a Mark
* Tips for Conducting Your Own Research

$300 Value, Yours FREE!

Meet your host -Andrea-

Hi, I’m Andrea Sager. As a serial entrepreneur and a lawyer, I know first-hand how important it is for businesses of any size or stage to have legal support. That’s why I left my big law firm to follow my true passion: helping other entrepreneurs meet their fullest potential by leveraging the power of the law for an affordable price.

When you sign up for a legal training with me, you’re not just attending a basic webinar. I will share with you insider business information from my experience as an attorney & entrepreneur with years of experience running multiple businesses who can relate to your unique needs. 

I’ve walked miles in your shoes, and then some. I even have a podcast too, the Legalpreneur Podcast! The Legalpreneur is just what its name suggests, the best of both worlds: legal and business expertise.  I hope to see you LIVE! Cheers!

B.B.A., Business with an emphasis in Accounting
J.D., NKU Chase College of LawADMITTED IN Ohio

Ok, but will this webinar REALLY teach me what I need to know?

Yes, but don’t just take it from me!

“Serious Peace of Mind – I have a food blog and do online personal training and nutrition coaching so I’ve always felt pretty vulnerable and now I feel confident


“Great job! Very helpful information and very knowledgeable on materials!”


“Thank you SO MUCH I already feel like I have learned sooo much !


“Incredible! The Legalpreneur and Andrea Sager Law has protected my business on more than one occasion!


“Thank you for everything. I feel better.


“Thank you for the insightful information :)”


“Done just waiting! so glad I got this started!


“Just saw your trademark webinar again and it is always great to hear you explain it again. Thank you. I plan to get my company started soon and would like to use your services and also become an affiliate for your company. Thanks again for all you do.”


Lawsuits are not fun for anyone, but it can happen if you don’t legally protect your small business with trademarks. (seriously!)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the webinar really FREE?

Yes! Andrea will quickly become, if she isn’t already, your favorite attorney! She believes entrepreneurs like you should have access to the resources you need to legally protect your business without breaking the bank.

How do I access the Live webinar with Andrea?

Once you signup for the webinar above, you will receive an email with your unique access link to the live webinar. Bookmark it and join Andrea live.

If you do not receive your unique access link upon registration email us at

How do I access the two downloadable guides that accompany the webinar?

You will receive access to The Entrepreneur’s Trademark Notebook and Tips for Choosing a Trademark when you attend LIVE! 

Legal is sometimes overwhelming for entrepreneurs. This webinar will give you access to the information you need to confidently understand the in’s and out’s of the trademark process in addition to the two supplemental guides.

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is for entrepreneurs that have intellectual property to protect but need support to confidently invest in the trademark process!

This webinar is also for the entrepreneurs who already have trademark registrations. Join Andrea live to revisit the trademark process AND to make sure you are getting the most out of your investment.

Will there be a replay offered?

Yes! However, you will only receive access to the TWO supplemental guides when you attend live. 

Entrepreneurs get the most out of the webinar when they join Andrea Live. Webinars with Andrea are very interactive!

Will there be Q&A?

Yes, Andrea loves Q&A! Skip the google-search-rabbit-hole and join Andrea Live.