Females on Fire Trademark Special
For female entrepreneurs proactively protecting their creative work!
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trademark 50% off!
Trademark Search + Application
This includes:
2x Trademark Search
2x Trademark Application
2x The Examination
2x The Office Action
2x The Publication
2x To Registration
BOGO 50% off
1st Trademark: $2,500
2nd Trademark: $2,850 $1,250
$5,000 $3,750
Because the application process takes at least 14 months as of May 2024 to complete (we know, we know…FOREVER!), it’s important to get started ASAP.
Fun fact: Andrea Sager Law PLLC averages 144 days faster than the global trademark application duration average.
This happens before we file the application to make sure that you have the best chance possible at getting approved.
We will NOT file an application if we know it will not get approved, saving you tons of time and money! Quite frankly this is why I am ranked #12.
PRO TIP! We’ll want to file your trademark in all classes, or categories, in which you sell goods or provide services. For example, Delta the airline and Delta the bathroom faucet are two different types of goods or services. We can work together to file for all the goods you sell and services you offer to make sure you’re protected on all fronts.
NowThis is when the minimum 14 month clock starts ticking. The average timeline for our applications is 14-17 months, which includes the following:
1 Week LaterNow you’re approved for publication! But you’re not registered just yet. This is a 30 day period that gives others a chance to oppose your mark for application.
You did it! You can breathe now, but you do have to remember to maintain your mark to prevent infringers and keep up with registration renewals.
14-17 Months From ApplicationMonitoring for other USPTO filed trademarks is NOT included with the Trademark Search + Trademark Application. We know how important it is to continue to enforce your hard work, so we offer customizable Trademark Monitoring Packages based on the level of protection you desire!
As you begin the trademark process with Andrea Sager Law PLLC, we will share more about monitoring options for your mark before registration and after your mark is officially registered. We know exactly what you need and when you will need it when it comes to legal and your intellectual property!
Schedule a 1:1 Consult with Andrea
Still have questions? Get them answered before starting the trademark process.
If you decide to move forward with the trademark process, Andrea will apply the $99 to your Trademark Search + Application!
All new applicants must go through our search process. Trademark infringement doesn’t just occur when two names are the same. It occurs when two names are similar enough to cause “likelihood of confusion.” Our search will look for similar names that you do not know how to search for.
The trademark office issues registrations based on different goods and services. In order to be protected with everything your brand offers, you will want to file in every class you’re eligible for. After the search is conducted, we will notify you of how many classes you are eligible for. At that time, you will be able to let us know how many of those classes you would like to file.
The government fees are what the United States Trademark and Patent Office (USPTO) charges to file an application. The fee for one class is included in your application fee. The fee for additional classes is $450.
You can pay upfront or in 3 monthly installments.
The search will provide the level of risk we will face during the application process. If the search reveals that your application will be high-risk, the team will provide you with a complimentary second search to help you find something that can be protected with a trademark.
Preparing a trademark application takes time. It can take as many as 3 weeks to file your application. However, Andrea does strive to get all applications filed within 1 week after the search is completed.
The search time will vary according to workload. However, 99% of searches take less than 1 week.
There are no guarantees your application will be approved. The search provides the level of risk we will be facing, but even low risk applications see denials. It can take anywhere from 14-17 months for your application to be approved. Andrea Sager Law PLLC’s average trademark application duration is 144 days faster than the global average.
It is a denial by the USPTO that can easily be resolved. Often, the USPTO’s examining attorney just needs some additional information. The response to these refusals are included in your application fee.
It is a denial by the USPTO that requires a lengthy comprehensive response. If you receive a substantive Office Action, Andrea will provide you with a number of options available to you in order to overcome the OA.
No. The trademark office does not issue refunds for unsuccessful applications, and neither does Andrea. Andrea will do everything possible to help you have a successful application, but we cannot guarantee success.
An opposition occurs when another mark believes registration of your mark will damage their mark. The cost of these proceedings will vary.
When you buy one trademark at regular price ($2,500), you receive your second trademark at 50% off ($1,250). Beyond the Trademark Search and Application (includes 1 filing fee) the following has been included. If your trademark search results are high risk, Andrea will help you find something that can be protected.